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Dazzling Reflections
Dazzling ReflectionsThoughts from Cafe Sarwaa – Varkala Penetrating heat and my gaze is towards the ocean. There’s this scent that…
Sri Lanka
SRI LANKA[ My experience in Sri Lanka – Travel Blog in German ] Auf dem Weg zurück nach Hause zu…
Bus Gedanken aus Mexiko
Bus Gedanken aus MEXIKO.[ Reisebericht Mexiko – In German ] Trockene karge Landschaft. Der highway schlängelt sich um rot braune…
Berlin Berlin
Berlin Berlin.the place to be { free } It’s 4am and I’m waiting at a bus stop alone, after leaving…
Unplugged Again
A Travel StoryUnplugged AgainSitting on the beach near the water on my yoga mat. Feeling happy and blessed. Everything is…
Pyramids in Bosnia
Pyramids in BosniaInterview with Dr. Semir Osmanagic Have you heard about the pyramids in Bosnia? Probably not. I haven’t, until…
Central America Travels
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